Aurora Folic Acid for Pregnant

It is reccomended for all woman who are planning to be pregnant to take Folat supplement. Folat can reduce the risk of having children with Authism, and prevent major birth defects.

Aurora Folic acid formulation is developed in accordance with recomendations based on the Moba study. The Moba study collect data of over 95.000 woman 114.500 children, and 75.000 fathers. This is one of the biggest health studies in the world. The study has been running since 1999.

The folat formulation is developd to give a safe and sufficient amount of Folat vitamin before during and after the pregnancy.

  • Product Description

    Folic acid is a B vitamin. It helps the body make healthy new cells. Everyone needs folic acid. For women who may get pregnant, it is really important. Getting enough folic acid before and during pregnancy can prevent major birth defects of her baby’s brain or spine

    In the developing chordate (including vertebrates), the neural tube is the embryonic precursor to the central nervous system, which is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The neural groove gradually deepens as the neural folds become elevated, and ultimately the folds meet and coalesce in the middle line and convert the groove into the closed neural tube. In humans, neural tube closure usually occurs by the fourth week of pregnancy (28th day after conception). The ectodermal wall of the tube forms the rudiment of the nervous system. The centre of the tube is the neural canal.

    Active nutritional Ingredients:

    Items        mg/pc

    Folic Acid    800mcg

    Vitamin B1   1.4mg

    Vitamin B2   1.4mg

    Vitamin B6    1.9mg

    Vitamin B12 2.6mcg

  • Guidelines

    Women trying to conceive should take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. Common multivitamin supplements contain too little folate (usually 200 micrograms).  Pregnant women should take folic acid supplements of 400 micrograms daily for the first 3 months of pregnancy.  After three monts 200 micrograms is sufficient.

  • Clinical Research

    Aurora Folic Acid formulation is developed by our own experts in accordance with recomendations based on data from studies in the Moba study. The Moba study collect data of over 95.000 woman 114.500 children, and 75.000 fathers. This is one of the biggest health studies in the world. The study has been running since 1999.

    The folic acid formulation is developd to give a safe and sufficient amount of Folic Acid before during and after the pregnancy.

    Please take a look at more of our latest studies and research @discover!

  • Availability
